Astrology is an ancient science used for thousands of years by those who want to discover their highest potential and seek to better understand their spiritual evolution. Astrologers look at your birth chart - the configuration of planets and asteroids at your precise time and place of birth - in order to determine your inherent psychological traits and tendencies, as well as offer insight into your personal life and relationships.
Illuminate your deepest wisdom by scheduling an Astrology Reading today!
A Natal chart is an astrological tool used to identify the locations of the planets at the precise moment you were born. This reading will help you understand the strengths and challenges of your personality structure. Natal Chart Readings also reveal the ways your natural competence can be amplifed so that stubborn habitual patterns may be overcome. Readings include interpretation of planetary placements and their significant aspects to each other in your chart.
The transit chart is a map of the planets at any specified point in time. By looking at transiting planets, astrologers assess the current energies at play and the ways these energies are affecting you. If you're interested in pinpointing the most auspicious time to change jobs, buy a house, or make a bold move - this is the reading for you. Transit Chart Readings also help you anticipate upcoming changes to help you overcome any potential obstacles. By far our most popular reading!
It takes the sun one full year to move through the zodiac. Because of this, astrologers chart your personal solar year from birthday to birthday - called a solar return. The solar return brings fresh energy to our personalities and reshapes the way we experience life. Schedule a Solar Return Chart reading around your birthday to see what areas of life to focus on in the next year!
Curious about your current or potential romantic relationship? What about how you relate to a business partner, friend or even your child? Find out how compatible you are with another person. A Composite Chart Reading combines your natal chart with someone else’s - creating a new chart of the relationship. The composite chart provides insight into how the relationship works (or why it doesn't). It also shows what karmic lessons have brought you together in order to learn and evolve.
*15 minute sessions are limited to 1-2 questions!
Complete birth information is required for the most accurate reading. Birth date, time and location are critical
Call to schedule a phone reading. Provide your birth information when you schedule so your charts will be ready at your appointment time. Call back at your scheduled time for your reading.
Readings are more productive when you are seeking specific information. 15 minute readings are great way to answer one or two questions.
Then God said, “Let there be lights in the expanse of the heavens to separate the day from the night, and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years; Gen 1:14
Astrology doesn't make predictions. It prepares you for life much like Meteorology prepares you for your day. The weather man does not predict you will get wet but knowing it might rain helps you avoid getting soaked.